Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Futuristic Melbourne Story!!

Dear Tom,
I've just settled in my Games development course at the Barron Bon Von Evil's University of Evil. The view from the 16th floor is GREAT! you can make out the Giant mechanical squid that lives in the Yarra.
You know the one right? it attacked you last week and you almost had to have your left arm removed due to mutation.
The trams here are very good in my opinion, however despite them being good they scare the living daylights out of me! the speeds they travel at are immense!
I thought i heard the screeching brakes while it was turning a corner but instead it was the rusty wheels trying to keep up with the orders of the tram driver tell them to go FASTER!!
Once off the trams i have to run to the University doors because of those stupid robots that try an sell you stuff! If u don't do as they say and give them some money then your screwed! So be sure to watch out for them.
Hope all is well with your investigation, i'll see ya next week sometime. Take care.
- Jack

To Jack,
Good to hear your settling in with your course.
You better put me in one of your games that you make ha ha.
Yeh, i remember that giant Squid alright. The department here is devising a plan to kill it but killing a Giant robot squid that lives in a mutant polluted river isn't easy you know.
As for my investigations i can't tell you too much as it's very top secret stuff. However I can tell you that the Ninjas im hunting are proven to be from Sydney, and take refuge on top of the sky scrappers in your area. So i may see you sooner then you think.
If that black cloud that blocks off all light was gone then our units could send in a helicopter to take em out but sadly thats not the case.
Well i best be going now. Cya Soon man!

- Tom

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